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Our vision statement is simple. CHURCH = FAMILY.
We believe that for so long, church has become something that we do rather than something that we are, and we believe God wants to change that. When you read the word of God regarding the early church, we see that all they did was gather and that in their gathering, in their love for each other and in them following through with the instructions of God, the church was added to. We invite you with open arms to come and join our family here at Hillfields Church that you would know what it is like to be part of God's messy family.

That we do everything to the best of our ability that we might reach that one life.
Our mission statement is taken from Matt 18:12, where Jesus says He will leave the 99 to rescue the 1. We believe this must be the principle of every gathering, idea, programme and way of life in this church. That we, guided by the Holy Spirit, are willing to leave our agenda, programmes and pressure to please people, to go in a different direction - because it may be that God just wants to reach one person today by doing it another way. In allowing God to move this way, we have seen multiple salvations, baptisms and rapid growth. Hillfields Church is called into humility and wisdom as it serves the Lord, led by Him to disciple those He is sending in.


We are a Baptist Church with roots in the Baptist Union structure, but we operate as an independent baptist church through WebNet our regional network. 

Our structure is made up of a Leadership Team. Our Leadership Team with the support of the trustees and Team of Pastors, help govern the church through the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, using without compromise the Word of God (the bible).  We believe in equipping and releasing people into ministry and we are always looking for more passionate people to join our amazing teams through volunteering.

We have a Lead Pastor called Richard Rycroft, who has been appointed by the church Leadership Team and alongside him he has an incredible group of Pastors who work together to ensure that this church runs in unity with how the Holy Spirit is leading

Our church is growing at a rapid rate. We have numerous youth and juniors and people from many nations attend. Since February 2023, we have seen over 119 baptisms and 250 confessions to follow Jesus (salvations). We are expectant for Revival and cannot wait to see all God is about to do in the year ahead.


Pastors Ben, Jamie, Rich, Nick & Joab


Find out more about the ministries that take place at Hillfields Church

about us

Find out more about who we are, our history and leadership team


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